Ange Mullen-Bryan & Jen Harvey
26 June - 2 July 2024
Open Wed - Mon 11 am - 5pm
Tuesday 11 am - 2 pm
Sunday Opening 11 am with afternoon drinks 2-5 pm
The Mother Tree is an exhibition of ceramics and painting, exploring the natural phenomenon of collaboration in nature as opposed to the generally accepted notion of competition.
Two friends, artists, nature lovers and mothers we often times find ourselves discussing the human disconnect from nature and the absolute importance of a better understanding of our world.
Through groundbreaking research in recent decades, by the likes of Suzanne Simard, Robin Wall kimmerer and others, our scientific understanding about the way in which trees care, communicate, protect and feed one another gives us a road map, as humans for working together to heal the natural world. In an approach less about growth, gain, competition and power but more about reciprocity, mutual support of all species and taking only what we need. This may seem revolutionary, but we are essentially relearning from generations of indigenous peoples who understood how to coexist in harmony with nature.